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  • Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.
  • Searching while you are within a course or group will return results found within that course or group. If there are no results within the course or group you will be shown results for your term from everywhere.
  • You can use + or - to include or exclude search results. For example, the search +schedule -bus will return results that contain the word schedule but not the word bus.
  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
  • You can add * at the end of a term to find results that start with that term. Searching for book* will return results for book, books, bookmark, and bookmarks. (You can also add * in the middle of a term)
  • Common words such as and, the and of are excluded from the search. To force them to be included, put a + in front of them.
  • The characters && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? : \ have special functions and aren’t searched for. If you need to find results that include one of those, you can put a \ in front of it and it will be searched for like a regular character. For example Abbott \& Costello or Who’s on first\?
  • Welcome
    Welcome to MyUSJ, the Current Student Portal. Please log in above  with your USJ credentials.
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    EthicsLine Reporting
    ...Diversity and Inclusion University of Saint Joseph is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We have selected EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide a simple, risk-free way to anonymously and confidentially report activities that may involve unet...
    other content in EthicsLine Reporting in MyUSJ
    USJ Calendar of Events
    ...  University of Saint Joseph Calendar of Events   Most events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. For more information, call the Office of Campus Events at 860.231.5292 or refer to the contact number listed for the event.     Click here to view our online calenda...
    other content in USJ Calendar of Events in MyUSJ
    Contact Information
      Academic Advising  Second Floor, Library    860.231.5219 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. Advisor Staff Listing   Schedule an appointment with your advisor on MS Bookings (Click HERE)      
    ...Understanding Your Degree Your Advising Worksheet, also known as you DAR (Degree Audit Report) allows you to track your process toward completing degree requirements including CORE/General Education requirements. Your Advising Worksheet is used by USJ to determine your eligibility for graduation, s...
    other content in FORMS in Academic Advising Center
    ...REGISTRATION FOR Fall 2025 To register, you must visit with your advisor first for registration clearance. Advisors by Major You must meet with your academic advisor to be cleared to register for classes. To schedule an appointment with your academic advisor, visit MS Bookings Once you are ready to...
    ...Academic Plans by Major 4-Year Academic Plans The Academic Plans provide suggested sequences for courses in each academic program.   Also see an outline of the Core Requirements for students who entered in Fall 2018 and after.   These plans are to be used as guidelines only.  Students are responsi...
    ...What Can I Do with This Major? Click here to explore careers related to your major     Tell Me More About This Job Click here:  Occupational Outlook Handbook   Academic Policies & Procedures Academic Probation Dean's List Repeated Courses Satisfactory Academic Progress ...
    Free-form Content
    ...Navigating your Academic Journey  Academic Advisors are here to help you make the most of your USJ experience! As incoming first-year or transfer students, you will work with a professional advisor until your sophomore year when you’ll be assigned a faculty advisor in the department of your major....
    Spirit Store
    ...Information about the USJ Campus Store The USJ Campus Store is run by Sodexo for the University. You can check out merchandise and apparel online or in person. You can call the store before you go at 860.231.5290, visit the store, located on the 1st floor of McGovern Hall Student Center, M-F from ...
    other content in Spirit Store in Student Life
    Welcome to Student Affairs!
    ...  The Division of Student Affairs strives to advance the mission of the University by promoting its core values and connecting its work to the University's strategic initiatives in ways that enhance the student experience. The Division of Student Affairs is intentional about planning, creating p...
    Contact Info
    Phone: 860.231.5267 Fax: 860.231.6734  
    other content in Contact Info in Student Life
    ... Welcome to the University of Saint Joseph’s employee website.  Whether you are new to the University or have been part of the community for several years, we are glad that you are part of the team. It is our intent that you will be able to locate just about any information you need regarding you...
    other content in Welcome in Employee
    University of Saint Joseph’s Commitment to a Safe Environment
    ... A report of sexual harassment, assault, intimate partner violence or stalking will be taken seriously, promptly investigated and addressed. While respecting the rights of all parties involved, the safety and well-being of the complainant and the campus community are the University’s primary concern...
    Reporting Options
    ...Reporting Directly to Title IX Coordinator/Deputies: The Title IX coordinator and deputies are responsible for overseeing the prompt investigation and resolution of complaints of sexual misconduct.  Reports should be made to: Any report can be made to   Assistant Dean of Students Ti...
    other content in Reporting Options in Title IX Policies
    Course Search
    Please click course search to retrieve your schedulefor the chosen termPlease click on the course for days, dates, times and other information.Please Note: This information may change often, Please check back often.
    other content in Course Search in Course Search
    Bookstore Announcement
    ...Book Ordering Update McGovern Hall is closed temporarily for renovations.  The USJ bookstore closed on May 12 and reopening in a temporary location for summer and fall 2019. For fall 2019 courses, please visit our Bookstore  If you have questions or need assistance please contact the Registrar’s ...
    other content in Bookstore Announcement in Bookstore
    Welcome to the University of Saint Joseph! In an effort to help best direct to you the appropriate area, please use one of the links to the right so you can be re-directed to the respective admission office's page that will have more pertinent information regarding your interests.  
    other content in Welcome in Enrollment Management
    Find Your Admission Office
    ...Undergraduate Admissions1678 Asylum AvenueWest Hartford, CT 06117Mercy Hall, First Floor Phone: 860.231.5216Fax: 860.231.5744Email: Please select this option if you are looking to complete a Bachelor degree program as a first-year student, a transfer student, or a part-time and ...
    Graduate Admissions
      Welcome to the home ofGraduate Admissions!   Office of AdmissionsUniversity of Saint Joseph1678 Asylum AvenueWest Hartford, CT 06117Phone: 860.231.5216Fax: 860.231.5744Email:
    Take the First Step:
    ...Ready to apply for a graduate degree program or interested in taking graduate coursework outside of a degree program?  Please complete the appropriate application below. If you are applying for a graduate program and are planning to first attend in the Spring 2018 term or later, click on one of the...
    Request More Information
    Want some more information about a program before you decide to apply?  Please complete the inquiry form below to be sent more information about your interests.     Inquiry Form
    Off-Campus Education Program
    ...  Welcome to the home of theOff-Campus Education Program!   On behalf of the University of Saint Joseph's School of Education   Graduate Information Office K-12 Teacher's Alliance   Contact: Theresa WarmelinkPhone: 800.956.8503Fax: 800.504.7618Email:   Progr...
    Take the First Step:
    Ready to apply to the upcoming cohort in the Off-Campus Education program? Please complete the following application form if you're interested:     Grad Off-Campus Education Application
    Pharmacy Admissions
    Welcome to the home ofPharmacy Admissions! Office of Pharmacy AdmissionsUniversity of Saint Joseph1678 Asylum Ave.West Hartford, CT 06117Phone: 860.231.5823Fax:  (Andrea Baggetta)  
    Doctorate of Pharmacy Admission Checklist
    1. Completed prerequisite requirements 2. A completed application through PharmCAS 3. A completed Free Pharmacy Supplemental Application
    Undergraduate Admissions
      Welcome to the home ofAdmissions!   Office of AdmissionsUniversity of Saint Joseph1678 Asylum AvenueWest Hartford, CT 06117Mercy Hall, First FloorPhone: 860.231.5216Fax: 860.231.5744Email:   Meet the Staff
    Take the First Step:
    ...Ready to apply for a Bachelor degree program?  Please complete the appropriate application below.   If you are applying for an undergraduate program and are planning to first attend in the Spring 2018 term or later, click on one of the following links:      Apply for Undergraduate Programs ...
    Request More Information
    Want some more information about the institution or an undergraduate degree program before you decide to apply? Please complete the inquiry form below to be sent more information about your interests.     Inquiry Form
    Free-form Content
    ...Sodexo - Dining Services & Catering Sodexo is delighted to share the USJ catering guide with you! From morning breakfast buffets and freshly brewed coffee to a casual feast and elegant hors d’oeuvres, our catering guide is filled with fresh and contemporary menus.  The catering guide is only a st...
    ... Welcome to the University of Saint Joseph   All of the inquiry and application forms on this page have been moved. Please use the corresponding link below to be re-directed to the appropriate area with the form you are looking for. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contac...
    other content in Welcome in Apply Now
    ...Welcome!  We appreciate your interest in the Graduate Programs at the University of Saint Joseph. Please use the links below to search through some frequently requested information. Please use the links at the right to search for information specific to your program of interest. If you have any ques...
    Program Description
    ...The Applied Behavior Analysis graduate certificate is a specialized credential for professionals in mental health, education, and human services. The sequence consists of six courses that have been approved by the BACB to meet the coursework requirements needed to sit for the BCBA examination. Stud...
    Program Quick Facts
    ...Degree Type: Graduate Certificate Credits: 18-33 Average Completion Time: 1 year Eligible for Financial Aid: No Location: On-campus courses (weekday evenings)   Additional Notes: Credit range due to optional supervision courses being available to those students who need the hours to sit for...
    Program Description
    ...The Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis combines expertise in Applied Behavior Analysis with a specialization in Autism to develop professionals skilled in the application of Applied Behavior Analysis principles and practices to the education and treatment of individuals with Autism Spect...
    Program Quick Facts
    ...Degree Type: Master of Science Credits: 45-60 Average Completion Time: 2-4 years Eligible for Financial Aid: Yes Format: On-campus courses (weekday evenings) Program Director: Dr. Andrea Courtemanche   Additional Notes: Credit range due to optional supervision courses being available to th...
    Application Requirements
    ... On-line graduate school application Non-refundable application fee Official transcripts from all accredited colleges or universities attended, with minimum 3.0 GPA Two letters of recommendation from current professional references with cover sheet Personal Entrance Essay Part 1: Please expl...
    Free-form Content
    ...Thank you for your interest in the programs in Applied Behavior Analysis at the University of Saint Joseph.  As the first and leading program in Applied Behavior Analysis in the State of Connecticut, we are committed to your success in meeting your educational goals.  Our program is approved by the ...
    other content in Free-form Content in Welcome Letter
    Program Description
    ...Candidates may choose this certificate program to gain proficiency in applied educational concepts, principles, and practices, to work with students who have autism spectrum disorders and their families. Practicum experience, field studies, and observation at Connecticut public schools and the Gengr...
    Program Quick Facts
    ...Degree Type: Graduate Certificate Credits: 15 Average Completion Time: 1 year Eligible for Financial Aid: NoLocation: On-campus courses (weekday evenings)   Additional Notes: Credits can also be concentration in the M.A Special Education program and being admitted to both this certificate and...
    Program Description
    ...The Master of Science in Biochemistry is an integrated program combining coursework in Biology and Chemistry in an online format. Therefore, graduates will have employment opportunities in Biology and Chemistry, as well as jobs requiring an integrated program. Graduates will also be prepared to ente...
    Program Quick Facts
    Degree Type: Master of Science Credits: 30 Average Completion Time: 2-3 years Eligible for Financial Aid: YesFormat: Online courses Interim Program Director: Dr. Ellen Anderson
    Application Requirements
    ... On-line graduate school application Non-refundable application fee Official transcripts from all accredited colleges or universities attended A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution in Biochemistry or a closely related discipline A science GPA of 2.8 or higher, or compl...
    Program Description
    A Masterof Science in Biology enables graduate students to increase the depth and scope of their knowledge in a wide variety of biological disciplines as well as to prepare for advancement in their careers.
    Program Quick Facts
    Degree Type: Master of Science Credits: 30 Average Completion Time: 2-3 years Eligible for Financial Aid: Yes Format: Online courses Program Director: Dr. Charles Morgan
    Application Requirements
    ... On-line graduate school application Non-refundable application fee Official transcripts from all accredited colleges or universities attended, with a minimum 3.0 GPA A baccalaureate degree in Biology or related field (ex: cell biology, ecology, marine biology, genetics, zoology, plant biology, ...
    Program Description
    ...A Master of Science in Chemistry enables graduate students to increase the depth and scope of their knowledge by working and studying alongside practicing chemists from both academia and industry. This degree is largely self-designed with the assistance of a faculty member, allowing students to tail...
    Program Quick Facts
    Degree Type: Master of Science Credits: 30 Average Completion Time: 2-3 years Eligible for Financial Aid: Yes Format: Online courses Interim Program Director: Dr. Ellen Anderson
    Application Requirements
    ... On-line graduate school application Non-refundable application fee Official transcripts from all accredited colleges or universities attended A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution in Chemistry or a closely related discipline A science GPA of 2.8 or higher, or completi...

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