A report of sexual harassment, assault, intimate partner violence or stalking will be taken seriously, promptly investigated and addressed. While respecting the rights of all parties involved, the safety and well-being of the complainant and the campus community are the University’s primary concern. Appropriate action will be taken to discipline an offending party. The University of Saint Joseph maintains an on record sexual misconduct policy, a commitment to investigation, support, and protection of any involved parties, annually published security reports, as well as prevention initiatives.

Parenting and Pregnancy Resources

This Dept. of Education brochure provides an overview of rights for parenting and pregnant students. University of Saint Joseph students must refer to the Parenting and Pregnancy Policy for information about seeking an accommodation. 

(.pdf, 411K)

This list of community resources has been compiled by the USJ Nursing Department in an effort to support healthy lactation practices. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator if you need further support or information about lactation support. 

(.pdf, 151K)

Reporting Directly to Title IX Coordinator/Deputies: The Title IX coordinator and deputies are responsible for overseeing the prompt investigation and resolution of complaints of sexual misconduct. 

Reports should be made to:

Any report can be made to TitleIX@usj.edu
Assistant Dean of Students
Title IX Coordinator: Samuel Johnson
860.231.5453 or samueljohnson@usj.edu 
104 McGovern Hall
Title IX Deputy: Sherri Lee
860.231.5390 or slee@usj.edu  
Business Office, Mercy Hall
Title IX Coordinator for The Gengras Center: Paul LoVoi
860.231.5767 or plovoi@usj.edu